Beef Broth

Homemade Beef Bone Broth A new take on a traditional recipe As a home chef, having homemade beef or chicken stock on hand for recipes or just to sip on a cold winter day is a luxury, but it used to be commonplace.  For many the tradition of making homemade stock has been lost, and […]

Our Favorite Chili

During the pandemic lockdown, Callie and I found Not Another Cooking Show. We highly recommend watching and scouring Stephen’s YouTube channel for recipes and inspiration. One of our favorite recipes we tried was his Wheat Beer Chili with Mexican Chocolate. We’ve adapted it a bit removing the wheat beer and sugar and usually substituting beef […]

Chris’ Italian Meatballs

It seems like homemade meatballs are a delicacy here in America. In Italy, they’re just another meal your mom or nonna makes on a fairly regular basis. In our home, meatballs are a monthly treat. We are fortunate that we can source our meat from local farms which makes all the difference. Sometimes I make […]

Callie’s Caesar

Over here at Mable & Jack Farmstead we like to make our own mayonnaise. If you’ve never had homemade mayo you need to ASAP. We use our homemade mayo in many recipes, including crab cakes, chicken salad, deviled eggs, etcetera. In this recipe, they form the base of our caesar dressing. The dressing is the […]

Garlic Scape Pesto

Ingredients ✔   bunch of garlic scapes ✔   1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil ✔   zest and juice of 1 lemon ✔   salt & pepper ✔   parmesan cheese (optional) The Scapes of Garlic Garlic is a slow growing crop and benefits from being planted in the fall so it can begin to develop a root system. […]

Roasted Chicken Salad with Local Greens

Having grown up in the South, few things scream “spring has arrived” like homemade chicken salad. As a child I hated the stuff because it usually came from the store in a plastic tub and could barely pass for edible. This version, however, is worthy enough to add to your weekly rotation. I’m going to […]